Product Information & FAQS
There are many advantages to my product over traditional stained glass. The FAQs below try to cover the questions I'm frequently asked.
Unlike traditional stained glass, my method uses a single sheet of glass, therefore avoiding the building code requirements for stained glass to be sandwiched between panes of regular glass. In large pieces, the supporting bars that are seen with traditional stained glass, are simply not required.
What's more, the films and lead used add strength and integrity to the glass which could help against strong wind and small projectiles.
UV & Heat Resistant
All the films, paints and lead that I use to create stained glass style pieces are all rated against damage by UV light, and heat in the brutal Florida summers.
Furthermore, the UV filtering on the films will reduce the amount of UV light entering your home or building.
Color Consistency
Each and every color I use, can be used over and over again to ensure that there is complete consistency between panels of glass.
In the unfortunate event of a repair being required, you can rest assured that the colors used will match the original colors completely.
What's more, you can always add additional decorative glass panels at a later date, to match earlier installations.
Cost Effective
Due to the unique benefits of my product such as the lack of requirements for sandwiching and support bars, and working with a single panel of glass, the overall cost is significantly lower than traditional stained glass.